UHRS Clickworker has #1 project UHRS from a long time. Clickworker is a crowdsourcing company which provides crowd microtasks, crowdtesting jobs, and related micro-jobs.
Being a Crowdworking code of conduct certified member, Clickworker GmbH offers various remote and full time jobs in AI Datasets, Categorization services, Content services and web research services worldwide.
UHRS Clickworker Signup
Crowdworkers working at this platform are known as Clickworkers. You can earn money easily to become financially independent and working anytime from anywhere remotely.
Clickworker’s community provides diverse job offers, high safety, and good work environment with support. Easy clicks or micro-tasking jobs here will attract you to join freelance community.
Following are essential requirements to join clickworker’s community
- Member’s age must be 18 years old
- Good knowledge of English language
- Must be a resident of any country
- No formal qualification and experience required
If you are newbie, student or housewife or even unemployed, you can join Clickworkers if you are at least able to read website content. There is no technical skills requirement, not any formal qualification is necessary. Register on Clickworker
After you click on registration button fill personal details and choose language to proceed with further steps. There is a UHRS English language test before you get marketplace UHRS access. English language test is easy you need to score more than 70% to pass this test. After qualifying language test you need to create Microsoft live ID for UHRS access.
Clickworker UHRS access will be granted after successful live ID creation then only you can login to UHRS Marketplace to earn money.
Clickworker Jobs
Jobs at Clickworker are in various categories. Easy to moderate click jobs, interesting surveys, audio recordings and image collection tasks are available on dashboard.
Crowd tasking or Mirco-tasking jobs like categorization and tagging of products, image or videos, Search Relevance and Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning datasets preparation jobs like Text Annotation, Audio or Video datasets work.
Availability of jobs at UHRS Clickworker depends on your language assessment, work accuracy and individual interest in micro-tasks. Moreover it also depends on your profile, education and languages you know. Read more about UHRS Jobs
UHRS Marketplace is #1 project on Clcikworker so you will get regular HITs to work beside UHRS there are other jobs to try such as video creation, app testing and authentication, social media surveys and photo capturing etc.
Clickworker UHRS login
Once you join clickworker community as freelancers then you will be able to login UHRS Marketplace. Their #1 project UHRS Access gets activated for 8 hours after that access expires and you need to re-start UHRS marketplace from Clickworker.
Once you click on UHRS login site you can access marketplace with live ID and password you created while clickworker signup. There are certain things you should avoid while UHRS Clickworker login.
- Never use VPN network to access UHRS
- Don’t login your account when travelling out of home
- Never connect to unauthorized networks, unknown network
- Don’t login your account in other device this misconfigure original IP address
Sometimes when you try to access UHRS Marketplace you may encounter UHRS Temporary Block Error because you may have logged in from an unknown network, different location or blocked cookies and cache.
UHRS login is secured and for safety measures always use trusted WIFI or mobile network. Read How to Solve UHRS login Issues
UHRS Clickworker Salary
Income or Salary everyone wants to earn. Do you know how much clickworkers earn from UHRS? What is payment at UHRS? Well let me tell you everything so you get an idea about salary.
Clickworkers receive their first payment of work after 39 days initially then weekly. Your earnings from UHRS will get transfer to clickworker every week on following Monday or Tuesday.
Once you give correct HITApp judgement and submit it on marketplace you will get assigned amount into UHRS Earnings. Sometime HITs also have extra incentives apart from regular pay.
Average Income from UHRS is $300-$400 a month and some people even earn more because it depends on work submitted and correct judgement given. The more you submit correct judgement more you will earn.
There are four worldwide payment methods such as PayPal, Payoneer, SEPA and ACH Payments to receive secure weekly payments. As far as I know about this platform this is not Get Rich Quick portal, you need to learn how to submit correct judgements, follow instructions, work with accuracy. Read How to work on UHRS
Clickwoker App
Mobile applications are High-end Tech devices now a days to access any website for information and work. Clickworker App allows you to work from Mobile phone.
You can access UHRS and other Jobs directly from mobile app. Photo capturing, video creation, App Testing and demographic surveys are available in this app. Also Some Mobile App tasks appear time to time which you can directly access from this app.
Clickworker App is good for people who regularly use smartphone in day today activities and work. Housewife, students, unemployed and person from any age group can take advantage of this app to work on easy micro-jobs.
One more advantage of this app is accessing every information about your work, invoice and payment in this App. You can also access UHRS login site to work on UHRS Jobs. Download Clickworker App
I highly recommend to read How to Install UHRS Mobile App if you wish to work on UHRS Marketplace because it is compulsory.
Final Thoughts
Crowd workers at UHRS Clickworkers do digital micro-tasks, simple click jobs to train AI systems. UHRS has always been #1 project at Clickworker so you will get an opportunity to join community.
I have worked on this website for about three years to earn extra money in my free time so you could also try this website for easy income from Micro-tasking.
People often in doubt which is best UHRS vendor so you can read here Best UHRS Vendor to learn more details with comparison. Also you can read more related articles in this website to improve your UHRS learning.
If you have worked on UHRS do share your experience in comments or ask any doubts we will be happy to answer all your queries.
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