Best Crowdsourcing Platform Always Hiring for Easy Jobs

best crowdsourcing platform

Best Crowdsourcing platform always hiring for jobs these days are difficult to find because either you should have skills or need to wait for couple of months to receive reply to your application.

Free crowdsourcing platform offers micro-tasks for everyone, easy click jobs and flexible working hours. With recent developments in AI technology, cloud computing and Automation open source crowdsourcing is best way to complete jobs on time.

I have worked on popular crowdsourcing platforms with little to no skills and earned decent income. In this post I will highlight free crowdsourcing platform along with their pros and cons. Let’s discuss each in detail.

Best Crowdsourcing Platform

Crowdsourcing is coined from “crowd” and “outsourcing” means collective outsourcing for particular work. The idea is to get collective intelligence for any service or work.

Crowdsourcing may be paid or unpaid depending on the platform owner. Best example of unpaid crowdsourcing is Wikipedia encyclopedia where every individual can give his/her opinion, edit content or participate.

Best crowdsourcing platform are those where you will always get an opportunity to contribute, participate with compensation and improve the work. All you need to utilize intelligence.

Persons or Individuals who take participation in such platforms are crowd workers. There are many platforms to work but first let us understand types of crowdsourcing work based on demand.

  • Micro-tasking
  • Crowdtesting
  • Creative design
  • crowdfunding
  • Collaborative knowledge

Micro-tasking is distribution of tasks among people to complete on time. Various AI companies break down a major project into small tasks then these tasks crowd workers finish as collective team work.

Crowdtesting is taking feedback or user experience for websites and apps before launching in market. Crowd provides feedback about product or service, usability, bugs and technical issues.

Similarly Crowdfunding in finance works. Crowdsourcing projects need crowd finances for complete development of projects. Money donations for NGOs, charity, free donations to poor, are some examples of crowdfunding.

Collaborative knowledge is another type where collective human intelligence is utilized to improve knowledge base. Wikipedia is an example of group or collective intelligence. Now let’s look opportunities to earn money from the best crowdsourcing platform.

UHRS Microsoft

Marketplace UHRS is platform by Microsoft that focus on crowd work. This crowdsourcing work is to train AI with data labeling, data annotation and search relevance.

UHRS Work from Home jobs are easy click jobs that everyone can do from their mobile phone. Modern Job fields are Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and Automation.

Data is fuel for many businesses which can enhance a goods or service for scientific reasons. Many big companies rely on data crowdsourcing to collect, validate and authenticate data collected using a large group of individuals.

UHRS(Universal Human Relevance System) has been my favorite online source from last 3 years just for no doubt it is easy work, no investment require and flexibly work from anywhere anytime job. Read How to do UHRS Work from Job

Payment for work is quite fair you will receive minimum 2 cents per HITs completed and average income from UHRS jobs is $300-$400 per month. This also depends on your work accuracy, time devoted and how many micro-tasks you complete. UHRS Payment System

Micro-tasking, data annotation, search relevance are popular easy work from home jobs these days. Emerging AI technology, GenAI, Machine learning could be a best choice for finding remote jobs. Read more about UHRS Jobs Here.


Crowdtesting is another popular crowdsourcing work you should try out. This freelance website testing job does not require skills and experience. You need to share your opinion, experience and real human insights about products or features.

Many companies approach Usertesting to get customer feedback, real human insights before they launch any website or app in the market. This helps to improve quality, usability and other necessary requirements. Read more about Usertesting Earn Money

Pay per approved test is minimum $10 at Usertesting. Moreover if you qualify and participate in live conversation you will receive payout more than $30 for spending 30 mins. Watch the payment proof How I have earned $90 in just 2 hours.

Usertesting Payment Proof

There are many other similar websites where you can register to earn money from testing. Read about Usertesting Alternatives

Twine AI

This crowdsourcing platform also specialize in AI Jobs for freelancers across world. Twine AI has more than 500K freelance community of experts that work globally to provide audio, image and video datasets.

It is available in more than 190 countries and accept registration in various languages. You will find UHRS similar job in Data collection, data annotation and search relevance.

Global workforce of half million approved contributor here makes it a large AI crowdsourcing for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning projects. Moreover text annotation, image annotation, and video annotation jobs are popular at this platform.

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