UHRS Vs Mturk: Who will Win Crowdsourcing work Battle?

uhrs vs mturk

As a crowd worker you might get confusion between UHRS Vs Mturk, Which one is best crowdsourcing work platform. Both crowdsourcing belongs to reputed companies of the world.

However you may have doubts regarding HITs availability, work, payment and average income potential as a beginner. In this post we will discuss all pros and cons of these platform so that you decide yourself who will win crowd work battle.

UHRS Vs Mturk

Mturk and UHRS are similar crowd tasks platform where you will get HITs for work to earn money without any specific skills and experience. If you are beginner and struggling to decide which one to choose for crowd work then let’s understand everything in detail and also I have summarized the result for quick understanding.

UHRS has emerged as favorite crowdsourcing work platform by Microsoft while MTurk (Amazon Mechanical Turk) is similar crowdsourcing work platform for businesses and workers.

As both these platforms provide HITs on their marketplace to train Artificial Intelligence and machine learning technology, you will find simple data collection, data annotation, categorization and search relevance tasks.

UHRS is available worldwide while Mturk accepts application from a list of selected countries where it is available for workers and business owners of E-Commerce, AI Technology and related application field. Let’s understand each parameter in detail.

UHRS Mircosoft

What is UHRS? Universal Human Relevance System is a crowd tasks project by Microsoft. Marketplace UHRS has many micro-tasks based on data collection, categorization, search relevance and data annotation.

Microsoft is parent organization for UHRS. It was launched in early 2003 for one of NASA Project now search engine companies, e-commerce companies and AI technology all are using relevant datasets using this crowdsourcing platform.

Clickworker has #1 project UHRS to work and earn money from Anywhere at Anytime. Micro-tasking here involves easy click jobs and interesting work. UHRS also has an app to work directly from Mobile phone. Download UHRS Mobile App

Marketplace UHRS offers minimum 1 cent HITs and a maximum of 25 cents depending upon the complexity of task. Some HITs also have bonus pay when you achieve given milestone of accuracy and judgements.

Microsoft UHRS is available at many third party vendor companies like Appen, Oneforma by Centific, Toloka but Mturk is completely operated and controlled by Amazon Associates.

Mturk Amazon

Mturk crowd marketplace offers HITs to workers which are more or less similar to HITApps on UHRS but still there are many things you should know about Mturk like Jobs, Payment, Flexibility etc.

Work at Mturk does not equally distribute among crowd workers while UHRS follows First come first serve jobs available at marketplace means It follows FIFO system. Mturk Jobs or HITs distribute individually so you may not find every HIT to work.

Marketplace at Mturk mostly have repeated tasks which are image tagging, sort data, categorization and annotation tasks. While Mturk workers at India mainly work on Ben Peterson, Dating Profile match jobs and some simple image or text labeling jobs. This is because these jobs have high chances of acceptance

Whether your work will approve or reject entirely depends on quality and further evaluation from job provider at Mturk so you can’t sure each and every payment for work you complete.

Most of the time work is rejected and you will not get payment even if your work is pending for review for longer than 3 days you might loose access for work. So be careful always when you submit any work.

UHRS does not reject work rather it pays for every single judgement however if accuracy is too low then you might loose access on particular HITApp.

UHRS Jobs vs Mturk Jobs

Work is what every workers wants to make money. Marketplace UHRS has variety of micro-jobs like search relevance, image/text annotation, speech recognition, data categorization and labeling. Read More about UHRS Jobs

Mturk crowd marketplace has limited micro-jobs like image/text categorization, data annotation and matching jobs. Requester here post simple easy mirco-jobs sometimes shopping related tasks.

Jobs at UHRS are moderate while at Mturk Jobs are simple and easy you need to just follow set of instructions.

UHRS Pay Vs Mturk Pay

Payment at UHRS is quite fair means HITs are low to high paying and UHRS pays via PayPal and Payoneer while Mturk payment is low for available HITs because these are easy micro-jobs.

Mturk Amazon pays via PingPong in India and PayPal in other countries. Minimum withdrawal is $20 at UHRS Vendors while $1 at Mturk. You need to pay withdrawal charges for every payment. PayPal and Payoneer have standard deduction rates while PingPong charge $1 for every transaction.

Pay per HIT is good at UHRS Marketplace while it is very less at Mturk Marketplace i.e. to earn 3 cents you need to work at least 10 min.

UHRS pays weekly in case of Clickworker while other vendors pay on monthly basis. Mturk has flexibility of work payments means you can request payment after 3 days, 5 days, 15 days or 30 days once you reach threshold limit.


We have seen work, payment, efforts and jobs available at these two crowdsourcing platform. Now let’s summarize all things to understand instantly what are pros and cons at each platform.

Work Availability and HITsDuring Daytime and HITs anytimeMid Night HITs are available
PaymentWeekly, Monthly with PayPal and PayoneerAfter 3 days, 5 days, 15 days or 30 days via PingPong
Average Income$200-$300 per month$100-$150 per month
Mobile AppAvailableOnly Desktop work
UHRS Vs Mturk: Crowd Work Battle 2024

I hope the above table will help you to understand in a nutshell about these two crowdsourcing work platform. Moreover if you want to know more about Mturk jobs, registration process and countries where it is available Read Here about Mturk

Which is better UHRS or Mturk?

UHRS is far more better than Mturk because HITs or Jobs are available anytime, their pay rate is much better and payment method is PayPal and Payoneer which is world wide accepted. UHRS has many third party vendors you can register.

Is Mturk available in India?

No. It is not available in India but some people use proxy remote desktop protocol(RDP) to get access. Officially In India Amazon Mturk does not accept workers for marketplace jobs.

How much you can earn if work on both Mturk and UHRS simultaneously?

Average Income for UHRS worker is $200-$300 while for Mturk is $100-$150. If you simultaneously work on these two platform a regular payment of $400-$450 can be achieved.

Final Thoughts

Mturk or UHRS? Which one is best? As far as we have seen jobs, payments, and availability of HITs at both these platform. My experience with UHRS Job was good enough that made me $400 every month but Mturk I worked only 6 months that too on Ben Peterson and Dating profile matching jobs.

Mturk has easy HITs but work rejection is more and why one should be night owl everyday to earn some pennies. It took me 3 months to consistently work on available HITs at Mturk but at UHRS after 15 days you may get good work and accuracy.

For me UHRS Jobs were suitable, for someone else Mturk Jobs are suitable because of its easiness. But I recommend to look every aspect carefully before deciding and choosing any of these two crowdsourcing work platform.

Do you have any experience with Mturk or UHRS please share in comments and if you are beginner you can also ask in comments.

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