UHRS Work from Home Jobs are micro-tasking jobs that require no skill to earn money in part-time. UHRS means Universal Human Relevance System, a crowd task project by Microsoft.
This work from home job is to train Artificial Intelligence systems and Machine learning for complete human relevance in today’s digital world. UHRS online job are easy click jobs that everyone can do from mobile phone.
UHRS Work from Home
Have you ever heard of Micro-tasking or Micro-jobs? No let me tell you everything about these easy online jobs. At UHRS you will find such micro-tasks to earn money from anywhere.
Work from home jobs here are completely free to join, requires no skills, experience and in fact no special qualification. I have been working on UHRS since 2020 and now it is my favorite income source to make money.
Micro-tasks means small jobs assigned to a number of individual people or small groups. You can understand this as a major project is further divided into sub tasks or micro-tasks to internet users.
Crowd completes these small tasks within short duration and with flexibility, no time bound makes these job to complete whenever you are available. Demand of work and number of crowd workers are not certainly stable so companies use crowdsourcing to save overhead costs.
If I talk about micro-tasks then Marketplace UHRS offers easy to moderate internet judging tasks for AI and ML. Search relevance, data annotation, audio recording, video relevance and data labeling work. All jobs you can do from home at anywhere, anytime.
There are many easy jobs you can do from smartphone without any specific skills or experience. Read more about UHRS Jobs
UHRS Marketplace
Marketplace UHRS offers various micro-tasks from categories like speech transcription, search relevance, text or video annotation, scenario testing jobs and much more.
You will find easy short tasks(HITs) to support data labeling. The ultimate goal of this labeling is to train various AI system for real life different scenarios which then make Human Relevance.
Have you ever searched on Google, Amazon or Bing something certainly you get exactly desired information you were looking for this all happens through data labeling. Web Algorithm display accurate results for a search query.
Basically UHRS provides Human Intelligence which is then used for solving complex problems that involves training models of AI and Machine learning technology.
Crowd workers at this UHRS Marketplace are known as Judges who genuinely give their honest relevant judgement based on human intelligence. These tasks are easy, interesting and have meaningful approach for data labeling. Check UHRS Marketplace Here
Not only data labeling tasks but you will also get data classification, validation and in-depth analysis jobs. Digital world now works on infographics images and video so it also covers image and video annotation tasks for real world problems.
UHRS Payment
Payment at UHRS is fair. Judges at UHRS Marketplace earn pay per HITapp judgement they submit. For every Hitapp you will find pay per HITs and in total you can calculate your earnings.
UHRS work from home jobs payment also depends on your work accuracy, number of tasks you complete and obviously time devoted because it is flexible job that you can do from anywhere at anytime.
Average income from UHRS for many people is between $300-$400 per month. I too had earned more than $400 a month while working on UHRS in 2023. Read more about UHRS Payment System
You should also note payment cycle and payment method depend on UHRS vendor you registered. Payment is subject to tax deduction depending on your country law so read every details when you select payment method.
UHRS Sign up
Anyone with age above 18 years can sign up on UHRS for crowd tasks. Let me tell you steps to create an account on UHRS. As UHRS is totally owned by Microsoft but you can’t directly sign up.
Microsoft has assigned third party UHRS vendors that manage this project worldwide. At present there are 5 UHRS vendors where you can register for this work. These UHRS vendors operates in different regions of the world so check you country first.
Each vendor has simple sign up process and you need to pass basic English language test in order to get UHRS access. I have given a list of best UHRS vendors here so please go through each vendor’s details before registering on any platform.
UHRS Microsoft also requires a Microsoft live ID to access UHRS Marketplace so you must create separately in some vendors but in case of Clickworker they give you instructions for the same. Read about Best UHRS Vendors
You should also remember to select Native language to receive more HITs on marketplace and wisely choose language to work.
Mobile applications are most popular productivity tool if you want to work from smartphone. High-Tech devices are compatible for any type of remote work. Microsoft has also launched UHRS work from home App to give flexibility of work from mobile.
Crowd workers can work on mobile specific tasks directly from mobile app, also you can work on variety of jobs available on marketplace UHRS. It is available for Android and iOS devices you can directly download it from Playstore or Apple store.
Following are advantages of UHRS Mobile App
- Beginner friendly interface
- Access to Mobile or App scenario testing jobs
- Conveniently work from smartphone
- Direct login to UHRS
UHRS App login is mandatory if you want to work on marketplace UHRS. I recommend to read complete details about UHRS App Here
Final thoughts- is it worth?
Work from home jobs at UHRS are easy, decent paying and requires no skills. Moreover you need Human Intelligence and basic English knowledge to work on HITs. UHRS has been my favorite online income source for the last three years.
I hope you will also register to work on UHRS micro-tasks to earn money from home. If you are student, housewife or unemployed please check No skill jobs section to know more online opportunities.
Already worked on UHRS do share your experience with us in comments. In case of of any doubts you can also ask in comments.
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