The practice test at UserTesting is basic screening test for getting paid testing jobs on this platform. This is a critical and important test to get approval for paid testing work.
Practice test consist of basic attention and your feedback regarding the UserTesting website itself. This initial screening test can be passed using two simple tricks. Let me explain how you should go with these two tips.
Read complete details: Usertesting Jobs
1. Read instructions carefully – Read all instructions twice and then pay attention what is asked to do. You need to go to different sections of website to browse what is available and how content is written.
Note you have limited time so look what is easily available on navigation otherwise you will be confused what was available and what to speak. So be detailed oriented and whatever you read or understand just say with flow.
2. Speak your thoughts clearly – This plays an important role in initial screening. You should speak whatever you want to give as a feedback nothing wrong or right.
This is not a test this is a kind of feedback what you feel just say clearly. Remember to speak about related thing you have observed or browsed during navigation on website. While speaking just continuously speak you write or read during the initial screening test. This will create confidence in you when you attempt to answer feedback questions.
Above two tips worked for me however you can also watch some videos to know which question will come during practice test. Almost same question appear but you have to read and give feedback according to yourself.
Things to avoid during practice test
1. Avoid Switch your Fan ON, or appliances for quite environment
2. Interrupted network
3. Keeping Mobile phone on ring
4. Recording time should not be less than 7 min
Final conclusion
Practice test is easy and simple which you can do by just recording your voice and feedback honestly. Some people take paid service for creating UserTesting account and passing this test you need not to pay just do yourself it’s really easy and simple.
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